Now Hosting Classes at Field Day!

Make Your Own Tarot Card

Taught by Mary Elizabeth Evans, the creator of Spirit Speak Tarot

Sunday, April 19th, 2-5pm

In this three hour class, each class member will either pick a tarot card that they feel a connection to, or, they will draw a card from the deck during class & let the cards decide. In our small setting, I will talk about each class member’s card, it’s traditional meaning, how I read that particular card in a reading, and, the symbolism in each card. Once we have all gotten familiar with our cards, materials will be provided to make your own version of the card. During the class I will talk about making and publishing your own tarot deck, how I got started reading the tarot, & resources that are valuable to self teaching the tarot.

We will also look through my own collection of tarot decks to compare imagery and symbolism. If you have a deck please bring it along~

Tickets Here

Would you like to learn more about Spirit Speak Tarot?

Check out an Interview with Mary, here.


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